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Literary Fashion  
Looks So Lovely

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The Great Gatsby
Celebrating 100 Years

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Books & Bards has hundreds of bookish gifts for book lovers. Whether literary tees, book mugs,

classic books, or book posters, we offer a wide selection of literary gifts. Lit to Live By.

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Books Wanted Poster
The Raven Poem Poster
Hound of the Baskervilles  poster
Pride and Prejudice Poster
Alice in Wonderland Book Bag
Pride & Prejudice Book Blanket
Scrooge & Marley Book Mug
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Conversations About Literature

The Bookshop, A History of the American Bookstore, delights readers. Book lovers will enjoy this affectionate salute to an enduring industry. Bookstores today still warm our hearts and are home to our dreams and thoughts.

Evan Friss does his homework in this engaging read, spanning decades, from sidewalk sellers to independent bookstores to the corporate giants of today.
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